In case I haven’t mentioned this previously, I’m a member of a Scribophile group called “The Ubergroup.” It is a group of teams, each having around five members, and each having approximately the same genres. The idea behind this is critique swapping: generally, everyone in a team critiques everyone else’s works and receives critiques on their own works. It runs in cycles of six weeks working and one week resting (ha!).
I added that “ha!” in above because this week (supposedly an off week between cycles) has been anything but a week of rest for me. I have spent it by going through Tapper with a fine-toothed comb, trimming bits and rewriting other parts of what is now a 98,000 word long, 33 chapter novel. On top of that, I’ve rewritten my agent query letter and tweaked it based on out-of-team critiques. I’ve also tackled one of the most dreaded parts of the book writing process—the synopsis.
An ideal synopsis is supposedly close to 650 words in length. Insert another “ha!” here. I’ve never been able to get mine down below 750 words and still have it make sense. I’ve received out-of-team critiques on it and brought it down from its previous approximately 850 word length. Still, I’d like to at least get it to a length that won’t chase a potential agent away. As a result, I’m still soliciting critiques from Ubergroup members on it. Wish me luck, please.
The next critique cycle begins on Labor Day. I’ve been assigned to a team of mostly sci-fi writers who I hope will have some great insights to share on how to get Tapper as polished as possible. Again, wish me luck, please.
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