I’ve been working on music for quite some while now – long enough that you could say that I’ve been neglecting the other endeavor that this web site was established to discuss. That endeavor is writing: specifically, the writing of my first novel, Tapper.
No longer.
Tapper is back in production. It’s been itching in my mind for several months now. I’ve wanted to get back to the story of Travis’s pursuit to become someone who can manipulate the four fundamental forces of nature, and find out how he responds when called upon to fight against people who would place the Tapper technology into the wrong hands. I’m finally back at my laptop, doing rewrites and polishing chapters with the intent of finally getting this beast published this time around.
For those interested, I’m looking to go the traditional publication route. I have no idea how to self publish and therefore need all of the help I can get. I also feel that Tapper is too big of a story to be consigned to the self-publication route. It needs the treatment that only a traditional publishing house can provide. (I know I’m sounding a bit self-sure here. Please forgive me, but I’ve lived with this story for years. I have strong opinions about it.)
Believe it or not, you can help me write this story! All you have to do is become a member of Scribophile, the writing community whose badge appears on the left margin of this web site if you’re looking at it with a computer. My chapters are posted on that site. If you sign up, you’ll be able to critique (I hope) my chapters, beginning with the first two chapters here, as long as you “favorite” me as an author. (Read the FAQ and other help files on the site if you get lost – my profile will be visible here once you’ve joined.)
If you like what you see, you can upgrade to a Premium membership for $60 a year and start posting unlimited chapters of your own works! (Yes, I’m a Premium member – have been for several years now.)
Music writing is definitely not off the table. It’s merely been put on hold until I can put Tapper through a cycle of critiques on Scribophile and, hopefully, get it published. Large dreams, I’ll admit. That happens with any project, be it one involving music or words. In this case, I hope you’ll read on.
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