If things had gone to plan, I’d be at home recovering from my epidural steroid injection procedure at this time next week. That’s not going to be the case now, because my procedure got canceled and is being rescheduled.
You might say, “This is no big deal. Things get rescheduled all the time.” You’d be correct. You’d also be a couple of miles off if you think this is a normal rescheduling. At least three miles off.
You see, the building where my procedure was scheduled to take place was bought by an outside company, completely unrelated to the hospital system that had been working in it. They were apparently planning on still letting doctors operate in the building, but their insurance requirements had changed. And, of course, my insurance was no longer being accepted by the new building owners. Stupid.
As a result, I’m frantically trying to reschedule my procedure to some point before the end of the year—as are a fair number of others who were scheduled there. It’s not looking good, though. I may have to wait until January.
There’s been yet another issue fouling up my medical life. The culprit is my new prescription: it’s not working. It’s a very strong drug, but it’s not helping me with my pain. At times, I’m pulling 7½ on the one-to-ten pain scale. It’s less effective than any of the previous medications I’ve been on. Its only positive aspect is that it allows me to be awake and do things within the limitations of my pain.
Yep—that means writing music! Even if it’s only for a short while each day, I’m still writing music. My wife listened to one piece that I’m working on and said, “Yeah, that’s a Lee Jackson song, all right.” I assume that’s a good thing. 😀
Please wish for my pain to improve so I can keep writing!
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