I was hoping that by now I’d be posting about all of the accomplishments and progress I’ve made in novel writing and/or music composition. Alas, I have none to report. Bad timing and plenty of health problems have gummed up the works. After a planned short vacation, I got hit by a rather nasty upper respiratory infection and a skin rash at the same time. That took up January.
I thought I’d got my ducks in a row early in February, but on the first Monday of the month I woke up with severe pain along my right hip and leg. It progressed up to my back and down to my foot. My normal Chronic Pain Syndrome medicine wasn’t making a dent in it. I finally had to call the doctor (I almost didn’t make it to his office, thanks to the pain I had from working the gas and brake pedals of my Ridgeline). He gave me a steroid shot for the inflammation and a prescription for hydrocodone to kill the pain. The hydrocodone only worked at the maximum dose, so he gave me a refill and referred me to a spine specialist, whom I saw a couple of hours ago. He added Topamax to my hydrocodone and scheduled me for an MRI on this coming Monday (his first guess is a pinched nerve on my right side, with leftover pain on my left side from an L1 compression fracture that happened in June of 2009).
In summary, I haven’t managed to get a damned thing done, except for seeing doctors.
I’ll get the results from the MRI a week from tomorrow (Friday). I can only hope that my pain is something the doctor can fix, and not something that I’ll have to live with like I do with my ankle pain.
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