I have finally finished the eighth draft of my sci-fi novel, Tapper.
Man, that feels good to type. 🙂
I wound up with 32 chapters and a word count of approximately 99,000 words. The word count is down somewhat from the seventh draft, but only by around 700 words. Every time I’d find a section to cut or tighten, I’d find another bit that needed additional material. That’s just the way it goes, I guess.
Anyway, all 32 chapters are posted on Scribophile and are available for critique. I may wind up with 33 chapters, since chapter 31 is a 5,000+ word behemoth. It works as a single chapter, but it’s the longest chapter in the book. I’ve already asked for assistance in finding a good split point, in the event that I do want to change it.
Now begins the task of creating a sub-revision of draft eight, based on critiques. I want Tapper to be so highly polished that its shine blinds LibreOffice‘s “Export as PDF” function when the time comes to submit a completed manuscript to an agent.
Questions? Comments? Please feel free to use the Contact page. Thank you for reading!